Treatment Plans Customized for You by Urology Health Solutions
Dr. Lotenfoe approaches the treatment of BPH (begin prostatic hyperplasia) with a focus on your individual needs. Your symptoms impact your daily life and your plan must reflect your goals. Today there are more treatment options available than ever before. Discover how Dr. Richard Lotenfoe can apply his renowned expertise to your enlarged prostate.
Get to Know Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Before you explore treatment options, it is important to know what BPH is as well as the symptoms that are frequently experienced. Understanding more about your enlarged prostate will help you make the most informed decisions based on your symptoms and potential side effects.
BPH is benign prostatic hyperplasia; however, some of the symptoms are similar to those of other more complicated medical conditions. These may include prostate cancer, prostate infection, and other medical conditions. If you have symptoms, take time to get to know more about what is going on with your prostate.
We also recommend that you take our BPH Quiz to discover your BPH symptom score. This confidential tool is based on the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire and was developed to measure the severity of your symptoms. In addition to analyzing your symptoms, it will also help measure the impact on your overall quality of life.
BPH is Unique
The prostate gland is centrally located in the male reproductive system. Therefore, it presents unique issues that must be addressed in any successful treatment plan. Prostate symptoms often impact the urinary tract system; however, sexual function may also be affected.
Prostate health is also significantly impacted by other medical issues such as weight, physical activity, and other medications. This requires a treatment plan that looks at the big picture to ensure that all of the underlying issues are being addressed as effectively as possible.
In addition to the symptoms, each treatment option has potential side effects. Prostate medications and surgery may impact other aspects of your overall health. Even the decision to avoid treatment or simply monitor BPH symptoms will have long-term consequences. Modern treatment options are finally available that provide real relief with minimal impact. It is important to consult with the most knowledgeable professionals to understand how your unique condition requires unique solutions.
BPH Treatment is Possible
Treatment options for an enlarged prostate have never been better. Diagnostic tools have significantly improved making patient and physician decisions more informed. Recent medical advances provide each individual with more choices when it comes to pharmaceutical and surgical solutions. In addition, safe and effective non-surgical solutions are now available. It is possible to avoid surgery and achieve lasting results with minimal side effects.
Dr. Richard Lotenfoe will walk you through each treatment option based on your specific needs. Consideration will be based on your symptom levels, individual risk factors, and desired outcome. These new technologies are delivered with the full understanding that the patient is the focus of every decision. Procedures do not replace real conversations. Dr. Lotenfoe will listen to your needs and develop options that work for you.
Some of the most common treatments for an enlarged prostate include:
Physician Monitoring
Benign prostatic hyperplasia monitoring for changes or improvement is often an initial response to mild symptoms. The “wait-and-see” method may be the most appropriate for your situation. Depending on the severity of your prostate pain symptoms and your specific needs, this can be a safe and effective solution.
Under the expert care of Dr. Lotenfoe, this response to BPH symptoms may be an effective temporary solution. It is important to understand that early treatment can minimize long-term complications and greatly improve quality of life. Dr. Lotenfoe will carefully explain the most current BPH treatment guidelines to help you understand if monitoring is the best solution for you.
Pharmaceuticals have been used to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate for many years. Pills are often the first-line therapy choice for patients and some physicians. Medications may result in temporary symptom relief, but it is important to weigh all of the consequences. Medications alone will not address the underlying issues and may not provide long-term results.
One of the most important considerations of any medication plan will involve potential side-effects. Side effects may include loss or limited sexual function as well as dizziness and headaches. These side effects may also impact other health conditions. Difficult side effects are a major barrier to patients maintaining their treatment plan. Expert consultation will help you understand if medication is the best option for you.
Surgical treatment for BPH works to relieve pressure on the urethra caused by an enlarged prostate. One of the most common and well known surgical solutions is the Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP). This procedure has been around since the early 20th century and involves scraping prostate tissue to reduce pressure. As with any surgery, there are significant risks for complications. These include excessive blood loss, prolonged recovery, and infection. In addition, there is the potential that this surgery may result in a loss of full sexual function.
Alternatives to BPH Surgery
The most exciting advance in the 21st-century treatment of BPH is the innovative non-surgical solution known as UroLift®. This is an FDA-cleared minimally invasive treatment that specifically addresses the underlying cause of BPH symptoms. The UroLift® treatment is delivered through the urethra without the need for an incision. Once it is delivered it lifts the prostate and immediately relieves pressure on the urethra. This breakthrough treatment may help patients avoid risky medication and surgery.
Why Consider UroLift®?
UroLift® is a minimally invasive solution that is done from the comfort of the physician’s office. With UroLift® there is no cutting, heating, scraping, or removing tissue. You avoid the hospital, see immediate results, and do not face the risk of having your sexual function compromised. This safe and effective BPH treatment option is done under local anesthesia so you can get back to life as quickly as possible.
This system has a proven record of helping men avoid BPH medications and surgical procedures while maintaining sexual function. Years of clinical data demonstrate that patients achieve long-lasting BPH symptom relief with minimal side-effects.

Want to know more about BPH?
Check out the links below for more information